Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Feeling a little bit of hope .....

I got my facebook fan page up and going
 I feel like there are a few people who support my idea to help others in need. I have also had people tell me that the worlds problems are bigger then I can handle. That maybe true but I feel like if I can make a difference then I should. I have been sending funds to Haiti every chance that I get but also think that it is a shame that Haiti had to go through hell just to get the help that they have been long needing. I don't want  to wait for that happens in Jamaica before I give my all. I also have had people focus on my health but as long as I am able to get up and walk and talk I will keep putting my best foot forward. I have Multiple Sclerosis and I try my best to support awareness and anything other then that dealing with MS but one thing that I can't do is find a cure. So I can't let that stop me, I feel proud that my 15 years old Daughter " Distinee" sees the need and is saying Mom go for it. I think that she has grown up a lot and learned that the silly things that she use to worry about in America ( like going to the mall shopping everyday ) that there are bigger problems in the world. I will make sure that I allow of of the children to be involved so that they will understand that we should all help others because no matter what you are going through in life trust me there is somebody that would love to trade places with you.

My facebook status today says

My brother always tells me that I want to save the world !!! I just wish my pockets was as big as my heart...!!!!