Thursday, February 4, 2010

Public Appeal .....

Many orphanages, children’s home, and Hospitals are understaffed. Without volunteers and donations, many orphanages would not be able to provide the necessary care to help insure that children’s needs are meet. Many of these children have HIV and AIDS and some have just been abandoned. They just need love and to be reassured that there are still people who care about them. Most orphanages have to deal with limited resources. When infants are not held, talked to and touched, some become socially impaired and unable to form loving relationships. This lack of attention may also lead to poor physical, emotional and intellectual development.

Our Mission is to return a sense of self confidence and normalcy to children with emotional, behavioral and medical needs. Our mission is to focus on Orphanages, children’s home and Hospitals but we will not limit ourselves to anybody that is in need. While we hope to have an impact on institutions, communities and Jamaican’s who have migrated to first world countries, our first priority will be to meet the needs of children. I therefore appeal to each and every person to support my efforts and trying to raise both awareness and funding. I have set myself with a personal goal to reach 1,000 (US) by March 31, 2010. I understand that this won’t solve all the of the crisis in Jamaica but it will allow items such as Diapers, wipes , bottles, powder formula, educational tools ,personal hygiene, sanitation and health aids to be distributed.

         WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP ?  

   * You can join me by visiting orphanages, children’s home, and Hospitals.

* You can donate used clothes and toys.

 *You can start your own fundraising at work, home or church.

 * You can shop online at  100% of profit goes to those in

*You can also visit my personal website you can 
read my personal story and why this mission is important to me. You can also make donations and leave any comments.

 * If you would like to help out a local cause feel free because there are many children
 and people that are in need ( Pay it forward )

 * If you can’t do any of the things listed above then, I just ask you to pray for those that are in need. 

I juI wanted to share my breakfast with you. A plate of love, a bowl of peace, a spoon of hope, a fork of care and a glass of prayer.